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Hi all,

Get fast, stay fast. An article to cost of js.

《The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018》

  • to stay fast, only load JS needed for current page
  • embrace performance budgets and learn to live whthin them
  • learn how to audit and trim ( 审计和修剪 ) your JS bundles
  • Every interaction is the start of anew “Time-toInteractive”; consider optimizations in this context
  • If client-side JavaScript isn`t benefiting the user-experience, ask yourself if really necessary
  • consider code-splitting to break up bundles or reducing JS payloads using tree-shaking
  • Sites ofen send the following:

    1. a client-side framework or UI library
    2. a state management solution (like: Redux,Vux…)
    3. Polyfills ( often for modern browsers that don`t need them )
    4. Full libs xv. only that they use
    5. a suite of UI components
      This code adds up, is too large too time longer for loading this page.
  • A small js payload can ensure this happens fast.

  • Use React Loadable
  • Why Web Developers Need to Care about Interactivity
  • Action plan for performance

    1. Create a performance vision
    2. Set a performance bugets
    3. Create regular reports on KPIs.
  • tools to help with bundle analysis: link

  • Optimize your libraries with webpack

《Strategies for dealing with poor code in limited time》


《浅析图片懒加载技术 》

《Node.js API to control Firefox 》

《阿里巴巴宣布开源限流降级中间件——Sentinel 》


《How to write a good coding article》



好的接口应当满足设计模式六大原则, 很多设计模式, 框架都是基于高内聚低耦合这个出发点的.

  1. 单一职责原则: 一个类只负责一个功能领域中的相应职责.
  2. 开闭原则: 一个软件实体应当对扩展开放,对修改关闭.
    里氏代换原则: 所有引用基类(父类)的地方必须能透明地使用其子类的对象.
  3. 依赖倒转原则: 抽象不应该依赖于细节, 细节应当依赖于抽象. 换言之, 要针对接口编程, 而不是针对实现编程.
  4. 接口隔离原则: 使用多个专门的接口, 而不使用单一的总接口, 即客户端不应该依赖那些它不需要的接口.
  5. 迪米特法则: 一个软件实体应当尽可能少地与其他实体发生相互作用, 例如外观模式, 对外暴露统一接口.

外观模式:为系统中多个子系统提供一致的对外调用, 对客户端隐藏子系统细节, 降低其与子系统的耦合.


适配器模式:引入第三方库(hibernate, log4j), 不应该直接在代码中继承或者使用其实体类.
需要抽出上层统一接口, 然后增加实现类, 对外暴露接口.


《聊聊Chrome DevTools中你可能不知道的调试技巧》
《最火移动端跨平台方案盘点:React Native、weex、Flutter 》


《Facebook:当ZooKeeper遇瓶颈,我们如何规模化配置服务器 》



  1. DOM tree
  2. CSS rule tree
  3. Render tree (exclude elements that has “display:none”, head node. but include “visibility:hidden” node)
  4. layout
  5. painting




display:none 会触发 reflow,而 visibility:hidden 只会触发 repaint,因为没有发现位置变化。

《高效开发与高性能并存的UI框架——携程Flutter实践 》